
Synthesis and structural characterization of three nano-structured Ag(I) coordination polymers; Syntheses, Characterization and X-ray Crystal Structural analysis. Fatemeh Zisti, Alireza Azhdari Tehrani, Robabeh Alizadeh, Hamed Abbasi, Ali Morsali*, S. Holger Eichhorn, 2019, J. Solid State Chem. 271, 29-39

Self-organization of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines in two and three dimensions by S. Holger Eichhorn and Elmahdy Abdulhamied, in “Handbook of Porphyrin Science: Towards Tuned Properties of Porphyrinoids”, Vol. 42, Karl M. Kadish, Kevin M. Smith, Roger Guilard, Eds., World Scientific, Singapore, 2016, 173-232.
Invited Book Chapter

Lateral extension induces columnar mesomorphism in crucifix shaped quinoxalinophenanthrophenazines. Ala’a O. El-Ballouli, Himadri Kayal, Chen Shuai, Tarek A. Zeidan, Farah S. Raad, Siwei Leng, Brigitte Wex, Stephen Z.D. Cheng, S. Holger Eichhorn*, and Bilal R. Kaafarani*, 2015, Tetrahedron 71, 308–14

New Dihexadecyldithiophosphate SAMs on Gold Provide Insight into the Unusual Dependence of Adsorbate Chelation on Substrate Morphology in SAMs of Dialkyldithiophosphinic Acids. R. San Juan, C. Allan, M. Iqbal, S. H. Eichhorn, C. Macdonald*, T. Carmichael*, 2013, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 135 (42), 15784-93.

Discotic Liquid Crystalline Block Copolymers 2: Main-Chain Discotic Liquid Crystalline Diblock and Triblock Copolymers, N. Boden, R. J. Bushby*, H. Eichhorn, Zhi-Bao Lu, R. Abeysekera, A. M. Robardes, 1999, Mol. Cyst. Liq. Cryst. Sci. Technol., Sect. A (332) 2803-2812.

Single Crystals and Nanoparticles of Zn(II) Supramolecular Compounds via Sonochemical Method: Synthesis, Characterization and Structural Studies. Fatemeh Zisti, S. Holger Eichhorn, Robabeh Alizadeh, Alireza Azhdari Tehrani, Ali Morsali*, Jeremy M. Rawson, 2019, Inorganica Chimica 496, 118-995

Self-Assembly of Board-Shaped Diketopyrrolopyrrole and Isoindigo Mesogens into Columnar π-π Stacks. Hi Taing, Adam Michael Cassar, Michael Udunyi Ocheje, Simon Rondeau-Gagné, Tarek H. El-Assaad, Christa A. Sharabati, Bilal R. Kaafarani*, and S. Holger Eichhorn*, 2019, ChemPlusChem (84) 103-6
Readers Choice

A high-resolution Holocene record of the East Asian summer monsoon variability in sediments from Mountain Ganhai Lake, North China. Shuwei Zhang*, Zhenyu Yang, Maria T. Cioppa, Qingsong Liu, Xisheng Wang, S. Holger Eichhorn, Yansong Qiao, Fahu Chen, Zhaogang Shao, Jianbao Liu, Shihong Zhang, Joel E. Gagnon, Junjie Huo, Mei Sheng, 2018, Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, (508) 17-34

Reduced weld strength due to secondary cell formation in vibration weld region of microcellular glass fiber reinforced nylon-6 shells. Tianhao Guo, Afsaneh Edrisy*, S. Holger Eichhorn*, Jim Vanderveen, Bobbye Baylis, Harold Colwell, 2019, Welding in the World, 63 (4), 1115-1120

Synthesis and Characterization of Liquid‐Crystalline Tetraoxapentacene Derivatives Exhibiting Aggregation‐Induced Emission. Lana K. Hiscock, Brooke M. Raycraft, Monika Wałęsa‐Chorab, Coralie Cambe, Alexandre Malinge, W. G. Skene, Hi Taing, S. Holger Eichhorn, Louise N. Dawe, Kenneth E. Maly*, 2019 Chem. Eur. J. (25,4) 1018-28

Experimental and computational insights into the stabilization of low-valent main group elements using crown ethers and related ligands. C. L. B. Macdonald*, R. Bandyopadhyay, B. F. T. Cooper, W. W. Friedl, A. J. Rossini, R. W. Schurko, S. H. Eichhorn, and R. H. Herber, 2012, J. Am. Chem. Soc. (134) 4332-45.

A combined study of mesomorphism, optical, and electronic properties of donor-acceptor columnar liquid crystals. S. H. Eichhorn*, S. Chen, M. Ahmida, A. Demenev, H. Kayal, F. S. Raad, B. R. Kaafarani, S. Patwardhan, F. C. Grozema, L. D. A. Siebbeles, T. Taerum, D. F. Perepichka, R. Klenkler, 2011, Proceedings of SPIE (8114) 811402-6.

Quasi temperature independent electron mobility in hexagonal columnar mesophases of an H-bonded benzotristhiophene derivative. A. Demenev, S. H. Eichhorn*, T. Taerum, D. F. Perepichka*, S. Patwardhan, F. C. Grozema*, and L. D. A. Siebbeles, R. Klenkler, 2010, Chem. Mater. (22,4) 1420-28

An Introduction to thermodynamic modeling, thermal analysis and calorimetry. S. C. Mojumdar*, R. Prasad, L. Sun, J. E. S. Venart, S. H. Eichhorn, M. Iqbal, A. Elkamel, G. Madhurambal, S. Meenakshisundaram, K. G. Varshney, V. M. S. Verenkar, E. Jona, I. Janotka, A. Ray and B. Chowdhury, 2009, Res. J. Chem. Environ. (13,4) 86-103